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Tin Packaging

Grow E-Commerce Business with Tin Packaging

How to Grow E-Commerce Business with Custom Tin Packaging?

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At present, many e-commerce businesses are appearing. If you have an e-commerce and thinking of how to grow it rapidly, then you have to think of something unique. Gone are the days of generic brown box packaging; try the new tin packaging.

This will attract customers to your company with its innovative and creative designs. As a result, the custom tin packaging will increase your sales and bring your business new customers. They can customize it the way they want it to be, and you can deliver to their needs. Some other ways that you can boost your business growth with custom tin packaging are as follows.

Attracting New Customers

You can attract new customers and grow e-commerce business with custom tin packaging. This is because people like beautiful things, and when they find a custom tin box outside their door, it will enhance their aesthetic mind. If your customers gift products from your company to their loved ones, the custom tin packages will further intensify their curiosity. For this reason, they will visit your web page and your sales with multiply.

Your customers can further reuse these custom embossed tins. This will also increase your brand’s reach. As a result, it will make your company’s revenue rise.

Personalizing the Experience of the Customers

Most customers buy products from a brand not only due to the sake of the product. They buy products from a certain brand because of the trust that they have in that brand. As a result, they buy from a brand they feel they can establish a connection with. Therefore, custom tin containers and packaging will help you achieve that.

When they get to customize their orders, they will look forward to buying things from your company. Custom tin packaging with patterns and designs will also make a good first impression. Hence, your customers will have a personal relationship with your brand.

Building Brand Loyalty

Once your customers understand that you can deliver to their needs, it makes them loyal to your brand. This will help you grow e-commerce business. They will visit your company over and over again to buy your products. Your packaging of custom embossed tins will create a unique brand identity.

Finding the Target Market

Before any brand can start selling their products, they need to find their target market. Your market also needs to be flexible to the needs of your customers. For this, you need to make tin containers and packaging in such a way that they appeal to your customers.


Since the e-commerce market is becoming quite competitive, you have to come up with new ideas to grow your business. Using custom tin packaging will be a great way to attract customers. You will be able to give them what they desire. As a result, you will have one of the top e-commerce businesses overnight. Your customers will have the autonomy to personalize their packaging, because of which your business will also reach new heights of success.

custom cookie tins

How to Create a Perfect Cookies Pack for Sale in Tin Boxes?

By PackagingNo Comments

After you spent lots of effort to develop your business, perfect your recipes, and gain customers. It’s time to wrap up your cookies and ship them out now that the orders are coming in. Tin King USA has the safest and most memorable method to package your product.

Cookie tins for the holidays are timeless classics that never go out of style. They’re attractive, environmentally friendly, reusable, and, most importantly, the appropriate custom cookie tins ensure that your product arrives in perfect shape.

You might have spent hours preparing delectable holiday cookies, and now it’s time to share them with your loved ones. Whether you get a custom tin packaging of happy treats or a box of buttery crumbs, careful packing can make all the difference (still tasty, less pretty). Whether you’re mailing them or leaving them on your neighbor’s doorstep, Tin King USA got you on how to do it right.

Bubble Wrap or Other Lightweight Bulk Should be Used to Line the Bottom of a tTin

To build a soft base that separates your snacks from the bottom of the tin, aim for 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) tin size. To avoid the tin caving in on your cookies while shipping, choose a firm strong tin.

While a few sheets of bubble wrap make a wonderful cushion for fragile cookies, you may also coat the bottom of your custom tin box with air-popped popcorn, crumpled paper towels, packing peanuts, shredded paper, or old newspapers.

Sort Your Cookies into Categories

Moist cookies, such as brownies, can turn meringues and other crisp pastries mushy if packaged in the same tin boxes. Soft cookies can also absorb stronger flavors from aromatic biscotti or minty barks, resulting in flavor combining issues. Separate your cookies by type before packaging them to keep them fresh and delicious.

Between Each Piece of Bar Cookie, Place a Piece of Parchment Paper

When brownies, blondies, and other bar or slab cookies are packaged, they have a propensity to smush together. Slice your bar cookies into uniformly sized pieces and cut parchment paper into squares slightly larger than each cookie to avoid this. Then, with a piece of paper between each bar, arrange your cookies in 4 or 5 stacks.

Insert extra pieces of parchment paper on the top and bottom of the stack to keep the bar cookies from clinging to the external wrapping.

To Protect Cookies, Wrap them with Plastic Wrap

After you’ve split your cookies, wrap each type in plastic wrap to keep them extra fresh and to add some padding. Wrap only 4-6 cookies together in each bundle to reduce breakage. Non-bar cookies should be layered in the bags, but you won’t need to use parchment paper to separate them unless they’re very soft.

To prevent the parchment paper from slipping out of stacked bar cookies, wrap them carefully.

Place Your Cookies in Plastic Bags with Zippers

Place your cookies in zipper-locked plastic bags, keeping them segregated by type. This will keep your cookies fresh in transit while also keeping your tin packaging clean and clear of crumbs.

Sturdy cookies, such as biscotti and meringues, can be placed directly into zipper-locked bags without being wrapped in plastic or foil.

Arrange your Cookies in the Tin Boxes, Starting at the Bottom with the Heavier Items

First, put dense cookies (such as brownies or oatmeal bars) in the cookie tin boxes. Then top with light delights such as meringues and delicate sugar biscuits. If necessary, make a small well in the padding layer so the cookies sit firmly and don’t slide about.

Between each layer of cookies, add cushioning (such as bubble wrap or air-popped popcorn) for added protection.

Give the tin boxes a vigorous shake after closing them. You don’t want to be able to hear or feel any cookies move. Take out the tin or box and stuff it a little tighter if you hear something rattling around.

Product Tin Packaging Design Tips

Product Tin Packaging Design Tips to Market Your Brand

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You may have paid attention to the quality of your products while manufacturing them. However, the way you have designed its package can make a difference in the number of sales. Professional packaging is the best option to make your branding campaign successful. As you have invested in product tin cans, you can rely on Tin King USA to create a customized package design.

Find the Best Tips for Brand-Aligned Packaging of Your Product Tins-

Maintain Offline and Online Branding Consistency

It is good to tinker with aesthetics. However, when you have updated online visual elements of your brand, you must reflect them on your tin packaging designs. Designers give much focus to the color schemes, fonts, motifs, and watermarks. These branding cues must be related to your company.

Choose the Right Wording on Packaging Designs

The phrasing displayed on your product package designs informs your potential customers about the product and its benefits. Comprehensible words will be effective for your products. The right words take a few seconds to catch attention.

Place Your Logo on the Package Design

A modern logo must not be highly complicated. It needs to be easily recognizable and use the available negative space for a higher impact. An iconic logo is better than a visually cluttered design.

Choose Reusable and Recyclable Product Containers

Eco-friendly product packaging is one of the latest trends, and it will never lose its value. Modern consumers make their decisions after checking the product packaging materials.  Thus, it is better to avoid single-use packaging for your products.

For instance, as tin can be easily recyclable, you can look for a tin can maker to buy your product container.

Make the Package Compatible With the Product

The product package must be of perfect size, shape, and functionality. Moreover, it needs to be easy to open, portable, and durable. In the case of heavy products, you can choose tin cans with handles.

Other Things That You Must Consider Before Finalizing Your Product Tin Packaging Design-

Can the Shoppers Easily Identify the Product?

Buyers will make a deal after understanding the product from the design. Thus, your custom tin packaging design must not be confusing.

Does the Packaging Represent Your Products?

Misrepresentation is one of the common issues with product packaging. Thus, it is essential to be careful about the product images. For instance, your product package shows a muffin with several raisins. But, when they open the package, they find one raisin. The design must not cheat your customers.

How Will the Package Appear in 3D?

A professional designer must send you the design mock-up. You may also create mock-ups using a printing technique. In some cases, although the image is attractive, it looks unpleasant while applied for custom embossed tins.

Thus, you can hire the best product package designers for your goods. Package design is one of the parts of your branding campaign. Invest in the best package designs and get value from them in the future.

Brand Exposure With Tin Packaging

Increase Brand Exposure with Reusable Tin Packaging

By PackagingNo Comments

Businesses use different ways to attract customers’ interest, increase sales, and develop loyalty. However, the best way of achieving these goals is with packaging. Visually attractive elements can easily attract consumers’ eyes. That is why brand owners give high importance to the packaging style to grow a positive image. The best packaging encourages customers to give a good response. But which packaging material is best for your brand? You can invest in a reusable tin packaging solution for your needs.

Metal packaging will make your customers feel that they are buying quality products. However, as environmental pollution is a major concern, reusable and recyclable tin is the right alternative. You can buy wholesale tin cans at a reasonable rate and use them for packaging your products. As tin is one of the metals, it has a high recycling rate. Due to the high reusability of the packaging material, your brand name will become visible to consumers for several years.

Consumers can reuse your tin packaging in different ways-

  • Pen and cutlery holders
  • Flowerpot
  • Candle making
  • Ornament storage
  • Pet food container
  • Sewing kit storage
  • Craft kits storage

Thus, tin used for containers and packing materials ensures the longevity of your brand.

Be Innovative While Designing Your Metal Packaging

By displaying logo and colour schemes, you can reflect your brand image. The visual elements on the packaging materials will have a positive effect on your customers. You can add custom-printed tapes to the tin containers to show your brand name. There are some other unique ways to customize your packaging design.

Flawlessly designed reusable packaging helps in communicating your brand’s message effectively. Several consumers make their purchase decisions based on the product packaging. Thus, the presence of visually aesthetic graphics on your packaging material will make a difference.

Tin Protects Your Products

Some items need dark packaging for storage purposes. Consumers have to keep them away from light sources. As a manufacturer, you can choose opaque packaging for your products. Sunlight cannot pass through tin and keep the content safe. Moreover, as metal is sturdy, it provides the ultimate protection to the content.

Paper and other similar packaging materials get damaged within a very short period. Papers become thinner in due course, and they have a risk of moisture damage. Similarly, plastics are not much durable to hold the weight of your product. Although there are several metals, tin is the most affordable one for your needs.

Maintain Sustainability

Sustainability is another reason for choosing recyclable tin as your packaging material. You can reduce the use of new metal from our earth. Thus, it is a way of saving natural resources. The best tin containers are made of more than 80% of recycled metal.

As modern consumers like to use eco-friendly products, your tin and metal packaging will be attractive. Moreover, there are custom child-resistant containers made of tin. When the product needs to be out of reach of kids, tin

Child Resistant Tin Packaging for Cannabis Edibles

How to Choose Child Resistant Tin Packaging for Cannabis Edibles?

By Cannabis PackagingNo Comments

The makers of Cannabis edibles are continuously questing for some new styles and closures for cannabis packaging. Among cannabis packaging, child-resistant packaging plays a crucial role in resisting children from getting access to cannabis-infused edibles. This is especially needed to prevent the kids from eating them as they look quite appealing in their eyes.

Nonetheless, it is not only about the safety issue of choosing child-resistant packaging for cannabis-infused edibles. This type of packaging also helps in increasing the shelf-life and also the cost of them. Besides, the branding potential, environmental impact, reflexive usage, and easy access for senior consumers occupy the top concerned areas.

A child-resistant closure is easy to access for senior consumers with vision impairment, less strength in hands, or low eye-hand coordination. So, the packaging design should be such that only senior consumers could only open and resecure it and manage to resist children from consuming it.

Gruskin Warner states that the cannabis packaging industry sees more innovation in child-resistant styles than in the other markets.

Choosing A Structure

First of all, it is essential to choose a structure for child-resistant packaging. Some options that are available in the market are mainly child-resistant tin packaging, glass bottles, plastic containers, rigid paper containers, blister packs, and adaptable film pouches.

Rigid Paper Containers

Although there are several child-resistant rigid paper containers available in the market, they do not provide a perfect solution to retain the freshness of the product.

Gruskin Warner once said that these types of packaging do not generally offer a shelf life to cannabis-infused foods and beverages. Hence, the edibles must have to be flow-wrapped prior to inserting into the packages. However, if you use child-resistant tin packaging, you don’t have to worry about its shelf life.

Plastic Packaging

Plastic materials are pretty much suitable for the use of child-resistant packaging. They are not only lightweight but need only limited resources for production. Besides, polypropylene is durable, flexible, and consists of tolerance viscosity when the injection is moulded.

However, not everyone wants to use plastic packaging due to its harmful environmental impact. Therefore, most buyers opt for child-resistant tin packaging as they are environmentally friendly, maintain long shelf life and keep it away from the child’s reach.

Multilayered And Flexible Film Pouches

The multilayered film pouches are ideal as it acts as a barrier against the entry of air which moistens the product inside. Additionally, they are suitable for resisting the strong smells from fleeing.

However, unlike plastic containers, they require multiple materials to lower the air and vapour transmission inside and out of the pack. Similarly, they cost less and occupy very little space for storage than rigid packaging. Regardless, this type of packaging is quite flimsy and may cause spillage, which is why people trust child-resistant tin packaging more than any other material.

Child-Resistant Tin Packaging

Perhaps, tin packaging is the ideal child-resistant packaging for cannabis edibles. They come with several benefits, including long shelf-life, different styles, child-resistant, and scope for striking branding compared to other materials. Tin King USA is the leading manufacturer and tin packaging supplier. Their workforce and expertise efficiently customise the tin packaging to source them on the customer’s demand.

Tin King USA, the tin packaging supplier, thinks out of the box to customise the order in a wide variety of sizes and also uses 3-D technology to print innovative designs. If you want to know more, visit us and see how they spoil you with their vast options.

Tin vs plastic packaging

Tin vs Plastic Packaging: Which is Better?

By PackagingNo Comments

In this article, we shall explore the benefits of tin packaging, the disadvantages of plastic, and a comparison of the two. Let’s get started.

As people all around the world turn towards ethical practices like sustainability, there is the question of packaging and how it affects our environment. Most product packaging aims to be easy to recycle and biodegradable. However, harmful materials like plastic are still widely used to package many products.

Plastic containers and packaging remain one of the most dangerous materials for the environment as well as for human beings. Studies show that plastics can take up to 500 years to breakdown, but they do not actually decompose.

The Advantages of Tin packaging

Let’s take a look at the benefits of utilizing tin packaging for your products.

Tin is a Good Material for Preserving Contents

Tin is a strong material that protects its inner contents from physical damage, shields your product from light, keeps out moisture when properly sealed, is stackable, and prevents the exchange of fresh oxygen that is harmful for many food products. In summary, tin packaging protects products, delays spoilage and can be beautifully designed and printed.  These are but a few great reasons for tin packaging. 

Tin is Recyclable

Think about the last time you opened a package wrapped in paper or plastic. Chances are that you threw the torn-up packaging in the nearest trash can. When it comes to tin packaging, your customers will find good utilitarian use for the attractive tin containers once the contents have been consumed.  We call this the branding gift that keeps on giving.  Tin containers can be used to store food items in the pantry, jewelry, office products, vitamins for your purse or pocket, sewing supplies, and many more uses.  Most importantly, after its long and useful life, tin is 100% recyclable.

Tin Packaging is Convenient

Tin packaging is convenient and easy to use, sturdy and strong, very air-tight, attractive and appealing.  Additionally tin packaging is light-weight and convenient to handle. Tin packaging is lightweight and easy to transport.  Weight is an important factor in determining shipping costs especially after your product has been placed inside the tin containers.  Tin packaging will also save energy costs with the reduced rates of transportation. 

The Negative Impact of Plastic Packaging

Now that we have looked at the benefits of tin packaging, let’s consider plastic packaging?  Plastic is one of the most dangerous materials for the environment. Let’s explore why.

Plastic Takes Long to Degrade

Plastic is bad for the environment in many ways. First of all, plastics are petroleum by-products.   Most plastic ends up in a landfill or in our oceans. In a landfill, plastics can literally last forever.  Plastics do not decompose even though some estimates state that plastics will decompose in about 500 years.   In our oceans, the devastation seems even worse.  It is estimated that 100 million marine animals die each year from plastic waste alone. 100,000 marine animals annually die from getting entangled in plastic and these are just the creatures that are found and documented.

Plastic is Harmful to Inner Contents and To People

Plastic poses known dangers to the products that are placed inside plastic containers and packaging.  Packaging foodstuffs in plastic containers can cause the toxic components of plastic to leach into food and cause health risks. For example, phthalates, which are used in the production of PVC plastic, are known to be highly toxic.  Heating plastics in the microwave may cause chemicals to leach into your foods. Some of these chemicals have been linked to health problems such as metabolic disorders (including obesity) and reduced fertility. This leaching can occur even faster and to a greater degree when plastic is exposed to heat.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we have taken a look at tin vs. plastic packaging. Suffice to say, tin is the superior option for packaging products. Tin King USA offers wholesale tin packaging for many uses, as well as child-resistant tin packaging for packaging that is required by law to protect children, but is easy to use for seniors.  Call Tin King USA for product packaging that is safe for their products, safe for their customers, safe for the environment and is 100% recyclable. 

tin containers for marketing

Marketing with Tin Containers

By TinsNo Comments

The first line of advertising for any product is in its containers and packaging. A brand is defined by its packaging. For this reason, it is a good idea to consider tin containers for your product. In this article, we shall take a look at how to do marketing with tin containers.

Why Choose Tin for Marketing?

Before we look at how to use tin containers for marketing, let’s examine why tin is good for marketing.

Tin Containers Are a Marketing Tool

It goes without saying that tin is good for branding. It promotes a brand even from the supermarket shelves. The power of a brand is so significant that people will buy a product without even trying it out – just because they believe in the brand.

Tin Containers Allow for Creativity

Tin containers are a sturdy way to incorporate different designs and colors into a product. Tin is a solid material that can be molded to fit any given shape and size. This contributes to the aspect of boosting the creativity of a product.

Tin Containers Never Stop Advertising

Tin containers almost never fade out – the only way to get rid of branding on a tin container would be to scratch it out. Many people love to reuse their tin containers, and this means the containers never stop advertising their contents.

Tin Containers Last Long

It’s no secret that tin containers last long. This means that their marketing lasts long as well. The longevity of a tin container is enough proof of the quality of the brand. Marketing with tin containers is made easy because they last long.

Tin Containers Offer Limitless Packaging

Tin containers offer limitless opportunities. They can be used as paint cans, aerosols, drink cans, and box tin containers. They offer unlimited holding capacity, and they can be used to store food, drinks, chemicals, drugs, and other tools.

How to Do Marketing with Tin Containers

As we have seen, tin containers offer a flexible approach to marketing. In this section, we shall explore the different ways to do marketing with tin containers.

Embossed Designs

Tin material offers different methods of sending a message. One of these is through embossing or debossing. Stamping a brand’s logo design on a tin container is a creative way to ensure that it lasts longer and has a more significant impact on marketing.

Custom Tin Containers

Tin allows for endless shapes and designs in packaging. Keeping in step with the current climate, for example, Christmas-themed tin packaging during the Christmas season, speaks to people on a personal level. Many brands exude a detached air to their customers. But with tin packaging, you can connect to your audience.

Varnishing Properties

Embellishing tin containers with matte or glossy finishes is another way to express marketing through tin containers. A glossy finish will portray elegance and luxury. A matte finish may attract practical people. Either way, tin offers a variety of options when it comes to design and customization.

Tin King USA

Tin King USA is the go-to for premiere custom tin containers. You can get any customized shape, size, and design for your products. We create custom child-safe containers to make sure that people who buy your products will be assured of safe and reusable tin containers.

Tin Packaging Positive Impact on the Environment

By TinsNo Comments

In this article, we shall explore the benefits of tin packaging, the disadvantages of plastic, and a comparison of the two. Let’s get started.

As people all around the world turn towards ethical practices like sustainability, there is the question of packaging and how it contributes to pollution. Most product packaging aims to be easy to recycle and biodegradable. However, harmful materials like plastic are still wildly used to package products.

Plastic containers and packaging remain one of the most toxic materials for the environment. Studies show that plastic can take anywhere from 20 to 500 years to decompose.

Why You Should Use Tin When Packaging Your Products

Let’s take a look at the benefits of choosing tin packaging for your product.

Tin is a Good Material for Preserving Contents

Tin is a sturdy material that protects its inner contents from physical damage, including force, light, water, and oxygen. It ensures that the product will not go bad or get damaged because it doesn’t allow any air to enter the interior. This is one of the reasons to consider using tin packaging.

Tin is Recyclable

Think about the last time you opened a package wrapped in paper or plastic. Chances are that you threw the torn-up packaging in the nearest trash can. When it comes to tin, your customers will find a good use for the packaging. Tin can be used to store food items in the kitchen, sewing supplies, garage items, and many more things. Additionally, tin is a metal that can be recycled quite easily.

Tin is Easy to Handle

Tin packaging is convenient and easy to handle. For example, consider the tin cans containing your favorite drinks. Tin is lightweight and easy to transport. Weight is an essential factor when it comes to transportation. Transport services will often charge based on the weight of your product. By choosing tin, you get to reduce the weight and, consequently, the price of transportation.

The Negative Impact of Plastic Packaging

Now that we have looked at the benefits of tin packaging, what about its rival, plastic? Plastic is one of the most dangerous materials for the environment. Let’s explore why.

Plastic Takes Long to Degrade

Plastic is bad for the environment. When improperly disposed of, plastic can take up to 500 years to degrade in soil. The molecular structure of plastic ensures that it never corrodes or decomposes. Worse still, plastic will float in water bodies and disrupt marine life.

Plastic is Harmful to Inner Contents

Plastic poses adverse effects to contents that are placed inside containers and packaging. Packaging foodstuff in plastic containers can cause the toxic components of plastic to leech into food and cause health risks. For example, phthalates, which are used in the production of PVC plastic, are highly toxic.

Plastic is Not Durable

Plastic may not corrode over hundreds of years, but it gets easily broken or damaged. Plastic has a short lifespan. A broken plastic tin will be thrown out immediately. Plastic bottles that get squished will meet the same fate. All these broken plastic containers are dumped in landfills where they sit for years without recycling.

Additionally, plastic does not allow for child-resistant packaging. Your little one will easily tear through polythene bags and access any potentially harmful substances stored within.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we have taken a look at tin vs. plastic packaging. Suffice to say, tin is the superior option for packaging products. Tin King USA offers child-resistant packaging wholesale for companies that need tin packaging for their products.

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